Welcome to WinWinWin Marketing:
We help you scale your online ads with the IMPACT Method
We can run your ad campaigns on multiple ad networks or help you bring media buying in-house.
We’ve been running online ads since 2004 and have overseen over $1 Billion in sales. If you want to scale your advertising or to market your offer profitably on multiple ad networks then take a few minutes to read this page - because we will show you how you can achieve it with the IMPACT Method..
We’ve been running online ads since 2004 and have overseen over $1 Billion in sales.
If you want to scale your advertising or to market your offer profitably on multiple ad networks then take a few minutes to read this page - because we will show you how you can achieve it with the IMPACT Method.
Matt Marshall, Copy Chief

"For me you guys are a 10 of 10 and the reason I give you this is because you guys are at a different level with how deep into the funnel you'll go to help us..."
There are Two Ways You Can Work With Us
- 1Done For You - where we take over running your ads and managing your advertising campaigns. Depending on the product and niche, we’re usually able to profitably scale a 2nd or 3rd ad network from $0 to $100,000 in ad spend in three months. This is possible for products that have similar performance on other ad networks.
- 2Done With You - where we help you bring media buying in-house and mentor your media buyers to consistently deliver great results. This service allowed our clients to grow from 7 figures per year . . . to 7 figures per month in 12 weeks on average.
Our key to success in online advertising is the IMPACT Method. Let us show you what it is.
The IMPACT Method - New Way To Scale Your Online Ads Profitably
If you haven’t heard about The IMPACT Method it’s because it’s our own invention. We developed this because our clients had big problems with making Facebook and Google Ads profitable. We did over 100 tests before we finally cracked the code for scaling online ads profitably across all online ad networks. The old ways of running your ads don’t work anymore. What works now in 2020/2021 is The Impact Method.
If you haven’t heard about The IMPACT Method it’s because it’s our own invention.
We developed this because our clients had big problems with making Facebook and Google Ads profitable.
We did over 100 tests before we finally cracked the code for scaling online ads profitably across all online ad networks.
The old ways of running your ads don’t work anymore. What works now in 2020/2021 is The Impact Method.
Why The IMPACT Method Produces Superior Results Across All Online Ad Networks
We have found that there are 3 pillars that determine the success or failure of any marketing or advertising campaign … and 98% of all businesses are missing out on at least ONE of them. When we implement the 3 pillars in our clients advertising three things happen:
We have found that there are 3 pillars that determine the success or failure of any marketing or advertising campaign … and 98% of all businesses are missing out on at least ONE of them.
When we implement the 3 pillars in our clients advertising three things happen:
We call these 3 pillars the IMPACT Method
The word IMPACT stands for:
Pillar I:
IM - Indisputable Messaging
Pillar II:
PA - Proliferating Ad Engine
Pillar III:
CT - Cross-channel Tracking
INDISPUTABLE MESSAGING is all about your ad. First, if your ad looks like an ad you will get a lower response than if it looks like a vlog or an interesting article or story.
We have tested this hundreds of times in different niches and the ad that doesn’t look like an ad almost always wins. The second thing is your ad copy.
You need to forget everything about power words, teasing, curiosity gaps and misleading language. The way to increase your conversions and lower your ad cost today is to give value, be honest and upfront. Plus, your copy has to be compliant with the ad networks policies or your ad will be rejected.
When you hire us you’ll get ad copy that is both compliant and sells. We have a very systematic way of writing copy that gets high CTR and high conversions in every niche we have worked in.
INDISPUTABLE MESSAGING is all about your ad.
First, if your ad looks like an ad you will get a lower response than if it looks like a vlog or an interesting article or story.
We have tested this hundreds of times in different niches and the ad that doesn’t look like an ad almost always wins.
The second thing is your ad copy.
You need to forget everything about power words, teasing, curiosity gaps and misleading language.
The way to increase your conversions and lower your ad cost today is to give value, be honest and upfront.
Plus, your copy has to be compliant with the ad networks policies or your ad will be rejected.
When you hire us you’ll get ad copy that is both compliant and sells.
We have a very systematic way of writing copy that gets high CTR and high conversions in every niche we have worked in.
PROLIFERATING AD ENGINE reminds us that every business should advertise on different ad networks. Here’s why:
When you advertise on several different ad networks your business becomes safer because you have multiple streams of income. Plus, you make more sales when your ads are displayed on lots of different ad networks.
Today You Have To Be Where Your Customers Are
Nowadays, people tend to not follow the steps in a funnel as much as they used to. Instead they click around before they buy.
If you don’t show up where your customers hang out, how are you going to make any money?
You won’t.
That’s why we will help you make multiple ad networks work together to bring you bigger scale and profits. This is the key to scaling your business. And we know how to reach the scale you desire within the agreed cost. This is an upcoming trend in advertising called “omnichannel marketing.”
PROLIFERATING AD ENGINE reminds us that every business should advertise on different ad networks. Here’s why:
When you advertise on several different ad networks your business becomes safer because you have multiple streams of income.
Plus, you make more sales when your ads are displayed on lots of different ad networks.
Today You Have To Be Where Your Customers Are
If you don’t show up where your customers hang out, how are you going to make any money? You won’t.
That’s why we will help you make multiple ad networks work together to bring you bigger scale and profits.
This is an upcoming trend in advertising called “omnichannel marketing.”
This is how it works:
Today your customers are everywhere - on Facebook, YouTube, and Google.
Plus, they visit all kinds of websites with lots of native ads.
Following your customers in this environment is the key to scaling your business.
And we know how to reach the scale you desire within the agreed cost.
We’re showing them your ads and retargeting them on different ad networks to further increase your profits.
CROSS-CHANNEL TRACKING is the key to scaling your advertising with profit. If you only use the ad networks tracking it will be difficult to scale profitably.
The reason for this is that the ad networks tracking is very inaccurate.
Unfortunately, most businesses aren’t aware of this problem. They’re struggling to scale and they waste time and money to test different strategies which don't work . . . Because the real reason for their problems often lies in flawed tracking.
You’ll Get Real Results Of Your Ads Performance - Not What The Ad Networks Claim
For example, before iOS 14, Facebook tended to over report leads and purchases giving you the wrong impression that the campaign was very profitable. In this case, it’s easy to invest in a campaign, which is not bringing you enough profits. Now, after iOS 14 Facebook is ESTIMATIG the results they are showing. And it's completely off.
On the other hand, Google, including YouTube, tends to under report the results. It can show you a much lower number of leads or purchases than it is in reality. In this scenario, you might miss on scaling a campaign which is profitable.
So with these inaccurate tracking systems, you end up with incorrect data. You need to count the results manually to make sure you’re investing your money in the right campaigns. And this is extremely time consuming.
But not with us.
To precisely track the results we deliver for you, we use a proven, third-party tracking system. It connects with your CRM or email marketing software and receives all the data from there. That’s why the results it provides are almost 100% accurate. We also feed the correct conversion data back to Facebook and Google so the machine learning can use real results.
The third benefit of using our tracking system is - you get access to a dashboard in which you see the results from all of your campaigns and ad networks.
So now, with just one click, you get all the latest data and see how much money you make with us.
CROSS-CHANNEL TRACKING is the key to scaling your advertising with profit.
If you only use the ad networks tracking it will be difficult to scale profitably.
The reason for this is that the ad networks tracking is very inaccurate.
Unfortunately, most businesses aren’t aware of this problem.
They’re struggling to scale and they waste time and money to test different strategies which don't work . . .
Because the real reason for their problems often lies in flawed tracking.
You’ll Get Real Results Of Your Ads Performance - Not What The Ad Networks Claim
For example, Facebook tends to over report leads and purchases giving you the wrong impression that the campaign is very profitable.
In this case, it’s easy to invest in a campaign, which is not bringing you enough profits.
On the other hand, Google, including YouTube, tends to under report the results.
It can show you a much lower number of leads or purchases than it is in reality.
In this scenario, you might miss on scaling a campaign which is profitable.
So with these inaccurate tracking systems, you end up with incorrect data.
You need to count the results manually to make sure you’re investing your money in the right campaigns.
And this is extremely time consuming.
But not with us.
To precisely track the results we deliver for you, we use a proven, third-party tracking system.
It connects with your CRM or email marketing software and receives all the data from there.
That’s why the results it provides are almost 100% accurate.
The other benefit of using our tracking system is - you get access to a dashboard in which you see the results from all of your campaigns and ad networks.
So now, with just one click, you get all the latest data and see how much money you make with us.

How to escape the low response, high ad cost trap
If you have an online business with a proven offer and if you are struggling to make your advertising profitable, then we’re quite certain we can help you escape the trap you're in.
Because based on our experience working with 7- and 8-figure online companies, we know that whenever a company struggles to advertise and make a profit, it means they neglect at least one of the 3 pillars.
In fact, we’d say about 98% of businesses are missing out on at least ONE of them.
And once we help them fix it — their ad costs drop down, their conversions increase — and they are reaching the scale and profits they desire.
A Big Myth That Makes Scaling Difficult
There’s a myth that you need an agency for every different ad network. You don’t. In fact, if you use different agencies for Facebook, Google and YouTube you are asking for trouble.
Here’s why:
When you hire different agencies to handle each network separately it will be much harder to make your campaigns work together, using the same ad angles, the same copy and the same creatives.
And what happens when your customers see you’re using different styles of communication? They get confused and raise their guards. Now they don’t trust you and might not buy anything from you.
Plus, sometimes your customers click your ad on Facebook, yet they leave the landing page. Then they go to YouTube, click your ad in there and sign up or buy your product.
What happens when different agencies handle these two networks?
They both claim they got the sale. Because that’s what they see in their ad managers. But the truth is, you got only one sale or lead.
When you hire us you will never experience problems like these. Instead, you’ll have a great opportunity to further scale and expand your advertisement on every major ad network.
That’s because we have experts on each ad network working together to make your advertising profitable across all online channels.
There’s a myth that you need an agency for every different ad network. You don’t.
In fact, if you use different agencies for Facebook, Google and YouTube you are asking for trouble.
Here’s why:
When you hire different agencies to handle each network separately it will be much harder to make your campaigns work together, using the same ad angles, the same copy and the same creatives.
And what happens when your customers see you’re using different styles of communication?
They get confused and raise their guards. Now they don’t trust you and might not buy anything from you.
Plus, sometimes your customers click your ad on Facebook, yet they leave the landing page.
Then they go to YouTube, click your ad in there and sign up or buy your product.
What happens when different agencies handle these two networks?
They both claim they got the sale. Because that’s what they see in their ad managers.
But the truth is, you got only one sale or lead.
When you hire us you will never experience problems like these.
Instead, you’ll have a great opportunity to further scale and expand your advertisement on every major ad network.
That’s because we have experts on each ad network working together to make your advertising profitable across all online channels.
We Treat Your Ad Investments With The Same Respect As We Do With Our Own
We handle ad budgets of over $100k per month across multiple ad networks. And we know how to do it profitably. Our founder, Joakim Hansson, has 32 years of business experience as a CEO and CMO of 8 and 9-figure companies.
He has overseen well over $1 billion in sales so far and knows how to invest your money wisely. And that’s what we do for our clients. First, we test, then we invest your money in the ads which bring you the biggest profits.
We Treat Your Ad Investments With The Same Respect As We Do With Our Own
We handle ad budgets of over $100k per month across multiple ad networks.
And we know how to do it profitably.
Our founder, Joakim Hansson, has 32 years of business experience as a CEO and CMO of 8 and 9-figure companies.
He has overseen well over $1 billion in sales so far and knows how to invest your money wisely.
And that’s what we do for our clients.
First, we test, then we invest your money in the ads which bring you the biggest profits.
An Invitation To Work With Us
We have one fundamental principle in everything we do. We call it the 3 WINS:
It’s good for us
It’s good for you
It’s good for the greater good
Let us explain number one. We have an abundant, prosperous mindset and we have a heart centered money making business consciousness. This means that we do what we love and the money follows.
Let’s move on to number two. Our focus is always to bring higher profits to our clients so that they stay with us for a long time. We are not interested in one night stands. We want a long prosperous relationship with our clients.
And number three. For us this means that what we do together is not only beneficial for us but also for your customers and the society as a whole. Working with our clients always follows The Golden Rule: “Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself”.
Let us explain number one. We have an abundant, prosperous mindset and we have a heart centered money making business consciousness.
This means that we do what we love and the money follows.
Let’s move on to number two. Our focus is always to bring higher profits to our clients so that they stay with us for a long time.
We are not interested in one night stands. We want a long prosperous relationship with our clients.
And number three. For us this means that what we do together is not only beneficial for us but also for your customers and the society as a whole.
Working with our clients always follows The Golden Rule: “Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself”.
How Can We Best Help You?
Some businesses want to outsource their ad management to an agency. If that’s you, we can completely take over running and managing your ads — on multiple platforms.
We’ll be constantly testing new ideas so that your business never drops into a “revenue black hole.” And we will optimise your campaigns so that you always get the “best bang for your advertising buck.” We’ll also provide you with advertising reports so that you always know how much you spend — and how much you make back.
There are also companies that want to move their media buying in-house. For them, this is a natural next step in their growth and scaling beyond 6 or 7 figures. If this is what you want, we can help you hire, train, and mentor your new in-house media buyers.
We’ll train your media buyer to consistently deliver you great results and test new ideas. We’ll also teach him to follow our reporting format and deliver you weekly reports on your ads’ performance.
Then, we’ll provide you with weekly mentoring calls where we review your ad campaigns, brainstorm ideas and show what to improve. Your media buyer will also have our ongoing support via Slack. In case of an emergency, we can completely take over running your ads until everything gets back to normal.
The great thing about our mentorship program is — it’s usually cheaper than having an agency run your ads. And for that lower fee, you have your own media buyer plus a team of experts making sure your ad campaigns run smoothly and grow your revenue.
For our clients, this was the key to scaling from 7 figures per year . . . to 7 figures per month. And we were usually able to help them get there in as little as 12 weeks.Here’s what our client, Frank (name changed for confidentiality’s sake) says about it:
How Can We Best Help You?
Some businesses want to outsource their ad management to an agency.
If that’s you, we can completely take over running and managing your ads — on multiple platforms.
We’ll be constantly testing new ideas so that your business never drops into a “revenue black hole.”
And we will optimise your campaigns so that you always get the “best bang for your advertising buck.”
We’ll also provide you with advertising reports so that you always know how much you spend — and how much you make back.
There are also companies that want to move their media buying in-house.
For them, this is a natural next step in their growth and scaling beyond 6 or 7 figures.
If this is what you want, we can help you hire, train, and mentor your new in-house media buyers.
We’ll train your media buyer to consistently deliver you great results and test new ideas.
We’ll also teach him to follow our reporting format and deliver you weekly reports on your ads’ performance.
Then, we’ll provide you with weekly mentoring calls where we review your ad campaigns, brainstorm ideas and show what to improve.
Your media buyer will also have our ongoing support via Slack.
In case of an emergency, we can completely take over running your ads until everything gets back to normal.
The great thing about our mentorship program is — it’s usually cheaper than having an agency run your ads.
And for that lower fee, you have your own media buyer plus a team of experts making sure your ad campaigns run smoothly and grow your revenue.
For our clients, this was the key to scaling from 7 figures per year . . . to 7 figures per month.And we were usually able to help them get there in as little as 12 weeks.
Here’s what our client, Frank (name changed for confidentiality’s sake) says about it:

“I pay less than an agency’s fee . . . and I get way more benefits!”
“Your consulting allows me to get all the benefits of working with an agency and having an in-house media buyer — with no drawbacks.
“The media buyer focuses all his attention on my campaigns and makes sure they are always optimized. And you, thanks to your marketing experience and insights from different niches, are constantly introducing new ideas and improvements.
“By paying less than I used to before . . . I actually get more!”
“I pay less than an agency’s fee . . . and I get way more benefits!”
“Your consulting allows me to get all the benefits of working with an agency and having an in-house media buyer — with no drawbacks.
“The media buyer focuses all his attention on my campaigns and makes sure they are always optimized.
And you, thanks to your marketing experience and insights from different niches, are constantly introducing new ideas and improvements.
“By paying less than I used to before . . . I actually get more!”
Update: as of March 2022 we're no longer taking on clients.
Joakim Hansson
CEO, WinWinWin Marketing